Daily Forecast Sagittarius 06-15


Sagittarius Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

No matter how cute you think someone is today, their personality will put you off. Arrogance, after all, is a very ugly accessory. There is no need to tolerate a rude person, no matter how attractive they are or how powerful they may be. If someone displays an attitude of undue superiority, feel free to give them a piece of your mind. Taking them down a peg or two will feel good and earn you a lot of respect from someone who’s been admiring your style for quite a while.

Singles Lovescope

Don’t stray too far from home today. You have plenty of tasks to accomplish. Get started on that pile of bills or clear up the clutter. This is a great day to tackle everything. Spiff things up. You might have a guest over later.

Couple Lovescope

You’re all about the relationship right now, but it might come across in a weird way if you’re not careful. Don’t let your partner think of you as an authority figure or you’ll need to backpedal.


You need to create an emotional clearing, so you can attack your finances afresh tomorrow. Whether that means cleaning, cooking, eating or talking, tackle it as you would any other obligation.



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