Sagittarius Daily Forecast
If you give in to someone else’s demands, you will only be showing them that they can push you around. And their one simple request today could snowball into bigger and more complicated demands in the future. You need to put a stop to this growing dynamic between the two of you. Nipping it in the bud might cause some tension at first, but it’s far better than this person repeatedly taking advantage of you. Set the terms of your relationship straight.
Stay engaged in a boring conversation today no matter how much you want to tune out. If you don’t, you might miss a key to a quandary you’re experiencing. Sit with this for a while. Listen and absorb. Focus on the message, not the messenger.
It’s a great night for a date. You’ve got powerful energy coursing through you that’s making you want to spend even more time with your partner. You might just sweep them off their feet all over again!
Just how the currents are taking your money downstream is only one of the confusing questions before you. The other is how to find the tiller on the particular craft you’re on. You’ll never know how much control you can actually exert until you try it.