Sagittarius Daily Forecast

This is one of those very few days out of every year when the universe smiles on us all. You Aquarians, in particular, have been singled out for a very special visit from the Cosmic Prize Patrol. You’ll feel it as soon as you put your toes on the floor this morning, and as the day progresses it’s only going to get better. Enjoy. Don’t even bother questioning it. Just enjoy!
Someone new is sending so many mixed signals that it’s hard to find any clarity. Step back a bit and wait for the static to dissipate. Better communication should resume its normal course pretty soon.
Don’t worry. Your partner isn’t actually expecting you to follow up on everything you suggest today. It’s a great time to throw out new ideas and see which ones stick. Start brainstorming!
Just like love can seem to creep up on you out of nowhere, a good investment is just waiting for you to notice it. Once you do, you’ll wonder what took you so long. Keep your eyes and mind open today.