Daily Forecast Sagittarius 11-21


Sagittarius Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Your hotheaded side is easily launched into full conflagration right now, perhaps by some frustrating little details that you feel someone else really should have taken care of. The temptation to let them have it verbally is a strong one, but will it really be productive? Things said in the heat of the moment can be difficult to forgive, not to mention forget. Back off and cool off. Come back to this situation at a later time.

Singles Lovescope

Stamping your foot and bellowing is only cute when kids do it (and even then, not so much). So no matter how much you want to dig in your heels, remember that you’re an adult. Talk it out instead.

Couple Lovescope

Emotional baggage from the past could be messing up your current relationship. If you’re still talking to an ex or pining over a long lost love, it’s time to get over it and move on to bigger and better things.


Something is reminding you of the good old days when money was the last thing you cared about, but you don’t enjoy going back in time. The perfect remedy is a hair off the tail of the dog who bit you. Ramen noodles anyone?



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