Scorpio Daily Forecast

Other people are all quite adept at talking today, but, unfortunately, none of them are good listeners. The burden will be on you to help everyone understand what needs to happen and how to get it done. Sure, you’ll have to fight tooth and nail to get the attention you need from them, but who’s better at getting attention than you? The stars suggest you use humor to cut through the chaos and get everyone on the same page.
Reliable, adult relationships take time to develop — and when it comes to your relationships, remember that quantity is less important than quality. You’re good at the basics, and now is the time to work on them.
Your idea of what a relationship should be and what your relationship actually is may not match up, but that’s part of the plan. Progress doesn’t happen in a predictable way. That would be so dull! You two are doing fine.
You’re in the mood for light banter but others are deadly serious. Are you not getting the gravity of the situation or are they overly somber? If a look at your checkbook doesn’t bring you down, then resisting the gloom of those around you is a piece of cake.