Scorpio Daily Forecast

An authority figure who’s been on your case pretty hard lately has really done you a favor. You’ve been toeing the line, doing everything just right and even forcing yourself to work a bit of overtime without being asked and, more importantly, without complaining. Basically, you’ve been very, very good. But now it’s time to relax. That means sitting still, by the way, for just a little while. No fair bungee-jumping, skydiving, or parachuting off the tallest building in the city either.
Today is good for focusing on a specific plan to get things done. Make a detailed list of attainable goals with reasonable deadlines. Be realistic about how much you can accomplish in a given day.
You need to open up and be as clear as possible with your partner. It’s a good time to ask for a little extra something in return, so don’t be shy about going after whatever you want.
For someone with as much drive as you have, sleepy days can be harder than regular days. The rest will do you good if you force yourself to try it. Tell yourself, you can do this.