Scorpio Daily Forecast

Put all of your compassionate energy to good use today by offering aid to those in need. You don’t have to hop on a plane to another country. There are plenty of people right in your own little corner of the world who could use your help. You know, right now, there’s someone in your life who could use a hand with a work project, home repair, relationship problem, or maybe even help moving into a new home! Offer to lend a hand to this person at some point today.
Your life is going so well. You don’t want to blow it by shirking some basic responsibilities. Double-check your schedule and peruse your bank statements. Make sure you’re not missing appointments and essential bills. Keep it all together for the sake of simplicity.
There are days when it feels like you and your partner have strapped on protective helmets and started a compulsory teamwork-building obstacle course. Maybe you have. Make the most of it.
Deep emotions are getting in the way of making sound decisions. Or are they? You can use their energy, if nothing else, to guide you toward making the most money.