Daily Forecast Scorpio 05-01


Scorpio Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

It’s going to be nearly impossible for anyone to hold you back or hold you down today! You’re like a wild horse, ready to race off in any direction just to get away from someone who wants to rein you in. This is a wise urge to follow right now. The people who are trying to tell you what to do could stand in the way of you achieving what you’ve been working so hard to achieve. Beware when someone comes to you with a new rule to follow.

Singles Lovescope

Emphasize giving today. Lend someone a hand and tell a dear friend what they mean to you. Life is sweet and the universe should feel your love and return it!

Couple Lovescope

Inspiration comes from unexpected places. Something you read or overhear today will strike a chord with you. Look for a way to apply that bit of knowledge to your own relationship.


With so many financial issues out of your control, you might as well focus on the things you can do something about. When it comes to social invitations, you have sole discretion. Spend some time mulling over your choices.



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