Scorpio Daily Forecast

You pride yourself on being a master judge of character. At the moment, however, your talents in that department aren’t quite fully operational. One minute in the company of that certain someone you’ve been thinking about nonstop will prove that to you. Better step back and take a deep breath, especially if you’ve been asked for a favor you know isn’t quite on the up and up. There’s nothing more memorable than strength.
Ready, set, flirt! Get out your phone and DM a few new cuties from a dating app, and don’t forget to give your everyday crushes a little extra love. It feels good to make others feel good.
Having mixed feelings about success is understandable, so don’t fret if you’re feeling baffled about how to handle this. Share your feelings with your partner so they can help you.
You can’t afford to let subliminal stuff get in your way. Naval gazing is not out of fashion so much as it is simply counter productive. If the urge to quit pops to the surface, don’t try to figure out why, just try to fight it.