Sagittarius Daily Forecast

Get a fresh start today! You can leave the small stuff for later. For now, try to focus on getting your plans off the ground and getting to know the people who share your goals and might be able to help you later on down the road. Go for broad strokes and general outlines. Write down all the fine details that you need to take care of later, and then your conscience should be clear.
Things may look great through those rose-colored glasses, but you can’t see anyone’s true colors that way. Look a little more closely, and try your best to separate fact from fiction.
Your dedication to this project verges on the fanatical. Your partner is arguing with you because they care and because they don’t want to see you burn out. Be happy they’re interfering.
Be daring. Today and tomorrow don’t have to feel like family obligations. You can enjoy yourself and save at the same time if you force yourself to.