Scorpio Daily Forecast

You’re about to be made privy to some top-secret information, some extremely sensitive material, to say the least. This may not be a matter of national security, but to the person who’s confided in you, it will certainly feel just as important. Keep that in mind if you’re tempted to tell “just one person” about what you’ve heard.
Think carefully about that first encounter. A video chat might be smarter than meeting in person. See if there’s a personal connection. Leave them wanting more!
Today is the perfect opportunity to engage your partner in a deep conversation about love and life. Make your words count. Don’t stray from the issues at hand with pointless banter.
You’re suddenly motivated to be tight with your money. Are you a day late and a dollar short or better late than never? You’ll find out in the coming weeks. In the mean time, keep cutting corners.