Sagittarius Daily Forecast

When it comes to your finances, you can’t sacrifice your savings for your reputation. If you’re afraid of being called cheap by your friends, you need to get over it. First of all, if you bow out of a pricey event due to budget constraints, the people who care about you won’t judge you for it. And second, if they do, who needs them? When you choose friends, put their ability to support you high up on your list. If they only like you when your wallet is open, they’re not your friends.
You can be quite particular about who gets to see you at your most vulnerable, and it’s no wonder. You have such depth that not just anyone can understand you. Try to take your time and move at your own speed.
If things are getting just a little too heady for words when it comes to you two, maybe it’s time you come back down to planet Earth. Plant your feet on the ground!
Things from your past are haunting you. If the haunt is too strong a word, then they’re at least weirding you out. It’s a good day to throw small amounts of money over your shoulder. Seeing a midday movie or buying yourself a small gift is your way of appeasing your ghosts.