Scorpio Daily Forecast

You’re not quite sure what to do, but you have to decide quickly. Should you be good, follow all the rules, and impress your bosses with your incredible ability to follow orders to the letter? Or should you take charge of a tricky situation with an innovative, ingenious new plan that no one’s ever thought of because it doesn’t exactly follow protocol. Better make up your mind fast.
You need to be the first to make up if a romance goes awry. It’s easier for you to push pride aside and realize how much better things can be once you’re on the road to reconciliation. Step up!
Today finds you reflecting on life’s great mysteries. Take your loved one to a favorite place and spend some time in quiet contemplation. Afterward, enjoy the mellow mood.
All your tension surrounding money has to be overcome if you want to get ahead in other areas. Force yourself to focus on something else for a change. Don’t let yourself shrug and give it all up.