Sagittarius Daily Forecast

If you’ve got any big, lingering romantic questions on your mind, especially if they’re related to a current fling or crush that’s triggering feelings about some long-ago heartbreak, now is the time to seek answers. Your personal energy might stir up emotions that require careful attention. It’s essential for you to pay attention to them before starting anything new.
Your interactions are like onions today, so many layers, and when you get into it deeply you might start crying. Handle with care, and remember that you can make something wonderful out of it.
You’re feeling unusually set in your ways. Your partner is surprised that you’re refusing to budge. Frankly, so are you. But when you feel strongly about something, you’re practically the Rock of Gibraltar.
It’s not exactly a great day. There is no movement in any of your accounts, which leaves you with too much time on your hands. Chitchat with as many people as you can back into a corner. You’ll come up with some entertaining ideas, but nothing you really want to pursue.