Scorpio Daily Forecast

The stars are dancing a happy little jig in your house of one-to-one relationships. And speaking of relationships, which just so happen to be your specialty, you really shouldn’t spend even an hour of this day alone. Call your closest friend or that one special person you can’t stand being away from. You’re encouraged to have fun. The laugher and bonding you experience now will translate into memories that last a lifetime.
It’s time for a just-you day. Take some extra time to get ready this morning — and spend the evening taking care of yourself. You might like it so much that you want a repeat every month!
The stars say the night’s right for your favorite kind of date, one that involves a little something the two of you love to do. Plan (or don’t plan!) accordingly.
Someone will learn some new tricks today, and that someone is you. Updating your portfolio demands it. Don’t resist it. With the right attitude you can have a good time doing anything.