Sagittarius Daily Forecast

One trick to finding happiness is learning to want the right things. The funny thing about this universe is that once you learn what the right things are for you, often you start to receive them — especially if you remember to say please and thank you! Why not take a moment or two every day and do some soul-searching about your real desires? You can get them if you really want!
You’re more than a little suspicious, so make sure you separate legit concerns from simple paranoia. If you worry about someone who hasn’t returned a call after half an hour, just stop thinking about it.
There’s so much going on right now. You might even need to sit down quietly and focus your thoughts before you can have a big discussion with your partner. They’ll be patient with you.
Why settle for what’s at your level? If you don’t reach, you’ll never get what’s over your head. Don’t fall back on your usual tricks, because charm will only get you so far. What you need to do now is… stretch, stretch, stretch.