Scorpio Daily Forecast

When it comes to shopping, your usual M.O. is this: Decide exactly what you want; get yourself to the exact location where said item will undoubtedly be found, using a ‘Point A to Point B’ strategy; then lay hands on the item(s); and bring said items to the nearest available cash register, with both plastic and cash in hand, just in case. Make your escape and don’t forget to lay out the battle plan for anyone who’s along for the ‘trip.’
Your dreams are on your mind today. They’ve been so vivid and weird lately, and you can’t help but wonder if your subconscious is trying to tell you something. Expect to spend the day lost in your head.
You feel like you’re being pulled in two directions when it comes to this relationship. Don’t make a big production out of it. Simply make a choice and move on. It’s the indecision that’s causing all this tumult.
Financial constraints are causing friction, but your budget is the ultimate authority on this one. That’s as it should be. So don’t react emotionally when someone is forced to place some limits on your spending.