Daily Forecast Taurus 02-07


Taurus Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Whether it’s organizing the bug juice brigade on a hiking expedition or coordinating the expert data for a massive reorg, you take naturally to leadership. You’re good at giving directions and negotiating between conflicting interests. You’re kind yet firm. People trust you. And, most importantly, you get the job done. By golly, there will be plenty of bug juice! That old reorg will be done in no time! And anything else that needs to happen will happen too.

Singles Lovescope

It’s time to come out of your shell. While it feels safer to hide yourself away, you’re ready for new beginnings and big adventures. Don’t be shy. Come on and join the party!

Couple Lovescope

You’re feeling the need to hold back a little financially, though by no means emotionally! If the two of you share money, it might cause some temporary problems as you both adjust.


You don’t need to be told to watch sharing your resources. With so much less to go around, that’s already on your mind. But someone feels more deserving than you deem them to be, so watch your back as well.


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