Taurus Daily Forecast

More than ever, your physical health directly affects your emotional health. Make sure you eat well and get enough exercise to help you stay happy and fully energized. Make sure you start this day with a good breakfast – not a donut! Too much sugar too early in the day will guarantee that you’ll run out of gas before lunchtime. Balance your food intake like you balance your life. Variety is more important than ever.
Watch yourself turn heads today as you exude self-confidence from every pore. This inner light captures the attention of those you most wish to impress. Enjoy the attention.
Playing by the rules can actually bring you two what you wanted more quickly, especially if you know how to talk to the rule makers. You don’t even need to flatter them. Just be your honest, charming selves.
Your take on your current financial situation may not be unique but it’s certainly creative. You’ll manage to spin straw into gold if you let your imagination wander.