Taurus Daily Forecast

It’s perfectly acceptable to rely on your network of friends and associates to connect you with the career opportunities you seek. But they will only send you down the same paths you’ve already been on — isn’t it time to try something new for a while? Don’t be hesitant to go down a road that is unknown to you. If you want a change, why not make it a big change? If you are having the urge, that means you are ready for a major transition. Go explore something that excites you.
Your head is in the clouds today because your latest crush is totally crazy and completely irresistible. If you could look into a crystal ball to see where this one’s headed, you would. Why bother? Chemistry like this comes along once in a lifetime. Okay, more like once a month.
Some family issues may plague you today, but your partner ought to be able to help out. See if you can find a good way to express your appreciation when all is said and done.
Being surrounded by all the good things life has to offer has been nice but you’re ready for a bit of independence. Push your chair back from the proverbial table and prepare to make your way back out into the wider, wilder world.