Daily Forecast Taurus 04-29


Taurus Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You will be let in on some very juicy secrets today, but what you hear is probably not going to surprise you too much. Your hunches were right on, and you’ll have to try hard to resist shouting ‘I knew it’ when the dirt is divulged. Your near-psychic intuition should be kept under wraps right now — otherwise, people are going to want to hear what you think, which will put you squarely in the middle of a drama that you should have nothing to do with.

Singles Lovescope

Overreaction is in the stars, whether it’s on your part or someone you come into contact with. If it’s you, try taking a deep breath. If it’s someone else, try to not take it personally.

Couple Lovescope

Your partner’s been pretty receptive to the changes you suggested. Be sure to offer lots of encouragement. And be patient. Big improvements don’t happen overnight, but they will happen.


The wolf in sheep’s clothing is alive and well. In fact, they breed in just this type of economy. So if you get the hunch that someone is not as they appear, check for your wallet.



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