Taurus Daily Forecast

You could wake up with a lot of energy. You’ll probably want to hit the ground running! But to be safe, hold off until later in the day before charging full steam ahead. Conserve your energy and go through this day in a smart way. Be cool, calm, and collected. If you just bust out of the gate, arms flailing, you could scare people with all that erratic energy. Other folks need time to prepare for your onslaught of eagerness, and you can afford to give it to them.
In matters of the heart, there isn’t always one clearly defined answer. This could be difficult if you like things to be spelled out in black or white. But once you learn to accept a little uncertainty, you’re able to go with the flow.
Check in with your partner and see what’s going on. A problem exists that you don’t know about. The outcome is totally up to you. That’s the good news. If your eyes are open, the solution is right in front of you.
Being idealistic is a charming quality. It makes people think you’re rather childlike and innocent. You’re not, though. You know when it’s time to be practical. That means understanding the exact moment to jump ship or the exact moment to pounce. It may shock others — but do what you’ve got to do and without hesitation.