Taurus Daily Forecast
Intriguing new ideas are introduced into your usual way of thinking, and these developments point the way to plenty of renewal. This comes as no surprise to you — your excellent instincts could tell that something big was coming down the pike. You may be surprised that you feel some hesitancy, but it’s understandable. After all, saying yes to one thing means saying no to another — or does it? Take a step back from the fast pace to reflect on your choices.
Your empathy is off the charts right now, and you give as much as you can to others. Fortunately, the universe wants to give right back to you! Share your hopes and dreams and see what comes your way soon after.
You’re feeling more stressed than you would like, and might want to ask your sweetie for a little extra support — or at least a reality check. It could be that you’re imagining most of it!
Your challenge is to know when to keep trying and when to throw in the towel. If it’s just not working for you, then it makes sense to set things aside and find a new project to work on. But you already knew that in your heart of hearts, didn’t you?