Daily Forecast Taurus 05-20


Taurus Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

A person from your past may make a surprise appearance today, and you have no reason not to welcome them with open arms. No matter how things were left between the two of you, right now they’re better (although this person may not realize it). Their ideas could push your ambitious plans forward toward action, so listen to what they want to do and try to help make it happen. This might be harder than it sounds, so take your time and move cautiously.

Singles Lovescope

When you go out, keep your eyes peeled for someone trying to attract your attention with wacky behavior. Make the call. Do you look past the weirdness and learn what they’re really made of?

Couple Lovescope

Your confidence and personal strength make you a terrific partner, and these qualities are amplified right now. On days like this, you can love your relationship in the present and also generate big ideas for its future.


You’ve been slow to acknowledge your emotions, and rightly so. Some subliminal issues should be kept locked in your psychic basement. Once you’re on your feet again, you can decide whether or not to let them into the light of day.



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