Taurus Daily Forecast

Be cautious about how you spend your time right now, and don’t take anything or anyone for granted. You need to make sure you aren’t putting too much effort into people and places that really don’t matter. Put off any work-related time commitments you can in favor of spending a little more time with a loved one. They should be your top priority now. If a friend approaches you for a small favor, do whatever you can to help them.
It’s rather thrilling to be around you right now, not just because you’re fiery and sexy (which you are), but because you’re not afraid to say exactly how you’re feeling. Suddenly, all sorts of things are happening.
Strive for flexibility and avoid stubbornness. Appreciate the ways in which you and your beloved are total opposites.
You know what they say about being rich and being poor. You’ve never really experienced either, but you’ve learned a bit about the truth behind the phrase just the same. Seeing things from different perspectives is a rich experience no matter what the new angle is. Make the most of it.