Taurus Daily Forecast

Your intellect and creativity are in perfect balance right now. Not only can you think up great ideas, but you can also come up with some great ways to make them happen! If you offer your suggestions to a group today, you’ll be doing them a huge favor. Don’t keep quiet when you know you have a suggestion they might like. No one will pin the smarty-pants label on you, so don’t worry that they’ll feel threatened by your innovative ideas.
Reassess your romantic needs. Are you trying to live up to someone else’s reality? If you’re still stuck looking for perfection, it’s time to get real. What are you willing to compromise and what can’t you live with?
It’s easy to get into a routine, which can be lovely and comforting. However, a little change in the status quo can give you and your partner a sense of what you’ve been missing for a while.
You’re up one minute and down the next, just like your account balances. It’s easier than you think to get off the roller coaster ride. You don’t even have to wait for that last jolt against the bumper to do it. All you have to do is jump.