Pisces Daily Forecast

The situation is stellar right now thanks to your own efforts and those of your lucky stars. Work is gratifying, your wallet is full, and you’re in love (or about to be). However, the one surefire way to tempt fate is to take things for granted or let your ego get out of control (yes, your hard work and effort had a lot to do with this, but not everything). Remember to be humble and remain diligent so you can stay ahead of the game.
You’re trying to start something, but the connection’s not quite happening. Don’t be frustrated or fatalistic. This doesn’t mean it won’t work eventually or in an unexpected way.
Caught in the middle? Being the agreeable mediator, you feel the need to bring peace among friends and your partner. However, lately your good Samaritan role is being tested. Go with your gut.
You’ve been acquiring more and more things and feeling less and less fulfilled. It hasn’t crossed your mind to change strategies. Something jars you back to reality today. It’s an act of kindness or generosity on someone else’s part that will remind you of what your life has been missing.