Taurus Daily Forecast

You know that love doesn’t run on time, especially not the kind of love you’re experiencing now. You’re all set to meet new and sweet people, more like fascinating, really, probably from some far-off locale. If they appeal to more than just your left brain, which seems quite likely, no one can say how it will end up. Only the two of you know what’s up, and since you’re smart, you do what it takes to ensure that it leads to a long, heartfelt conversation.
Your ideas flow like water, but your words are stuck down deeper. You may struggle to express yourself, so try writing it all down. Your hands can reveal your emotions better than your lips today.
Your partner might surprise you today by suggesting a new restaurant to try. Be adventurous and go along even if you’re afraid you won’t like it. You might find yourself a new favorite spot.
You are nothing if not methodical. Your meticulous ways are going to pay off, even if they seem like a tedious, time-wasting habit right now. Just keep on keeping on and you’re bound to get where you want to be.