Daily Forecast Taurus 07-18


Taurus Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You have to give as much as you take in life. Finding a balance requires sacrifice from time to time. But finding a balance will help you find contentedness. Reexamine a recent argument with a loved one, and you’ll see how this imbalance caused the rift. You need to call or email that person today and let them know how you plan to even things out. Together, you two can create the plan of action that will keep you both happy in this partnership for years to come.

Singles Lovescope

If it seems like there’s something going on in the realm of romance that you’re not privy to, this is likely true right now. Be honest with yourself and with others, and seek the clarity you need.

Couple Lovescope

As you know, relationships take work, and it’s not fun and games all the time. The good news is that hard work pays off. Right now you’re seeing the results of the effort you’ve been making. Enjoy it!


It doesn’t make much difference if you’re not sure why the economy is tanking or if you have your theories. All that really matters is that most of it is beyond your control. Don’t waste time flailing away.



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