Taurus Daily Forecast

Today, you need to let yourself go — or at least try to. Having too much control over social events and other people’s lives might make you think that you have more power, but that is merely an illusion. So give control over to fate today — let things happen the way they happen, and let other people make all the decisions for a while. This will free you up to explore the more passive side of your personality, and greatly reduce the amount of stress on your shoulders.
So many of your friends are single. It’s time for a group night out! Get dressed up and hit the latest club. Have fun and draw some well deserved attention to yourself. Amazing connections will occur.
There’s no point in fighting your feelings for your partner, so give in to your desires tonight. Leave the rest of the world behind and enjoy a truly decadent experience.
You already sense who the energy vampires are around you. You know, the ones who waste time flailing away at nothing all day long and want you to do the same. Keep your head down and avoid eye contact until they set their sites on someone else. You have your productivity to protect.