Gemini Daily Forecast

Questioning authority is essential right now. It will show them that you aren’t just automatically going to do whatever they tell you to do, and it will remind them that you are no pushover. Healthy dissent is critical if you ever want to improve the process. After all, how can you fix something when no one will let you point out that it’s broken? Turn on your critical thinking powers and stop taking the rules at face value. Ask why they are there in the first place.
You’re a thoughtful and profound person, and you’re tired of the small talk you feel like you have to go through on dates. Why go through it? Really try and get to know the person. They’ll love it, and so will you.
There’s a lot going on in that head of yours, not to mention your heart. Pushing yourself to find focus on your own won’t help. Talking out all those thoughts and feelings with your partner will.
Consider yourself a hearty plant. You’ve weathered a storm and now you’re even sending some tentative new shoots out to explore the territory. It may be a while before you harvest anything but the metaphor alone should sustain you.