Taurus Daily Forecast

Prepare yourself for a big meeting with the boss. You’ve got something to ask them, most likely about a raise, bonus, or promotion you were promised a while back. If you know you’ve done everything you were asked to do and more (and when haven’t you?) that should give you all the confidence you need to broach the subject. That and maybe just a teeny bit of rehearsing in front of the bathroom mirror.
If you made the most recent overture, try to wait on it for a bit. People move at their own pace, especially when it comes to love. Give it all the time it needs to see if your lives can mesh.
You can navigate the stormiest romantic seas with dashing aplomb at the moment, so if there are clouds on the horizon with your certain someone, get all hands on deck and steer that ship of love!
It’s time for cleaning house. Not your actual house, but your financial house. Getting the books in order is a must. Consider it one of your financial obligations.