Virgo Daily Forecast

If you feel like your boss or other authority figure has been trying too hard to control you lately, you’re probably right, but that’s what they’re in your life for right now. Giving up some control over where you go or what you do isn’t the end of the world, and it would be in your best interests to stop fighting so hard against them. They know more than you do, or they wouldn’t be in the position they’re in. So if you want to know as much as they do one day, be quiet and listen now.
Your latest crush is anything but dull. If you could look into a crystal ball to see where this one’s headed, you would. But you can’t, so rely on your instinct. When it sends you a message, listen.
Don’t be so glum about the way things are turning out. They’re turning out just fabulous, thank you. Just shift your perspective. A different point of view is all you need to turn things around.
Complaining about the economy is about as effective as complaining about the weather. You might as well try something new. Be as constructive as you can about your own financial mess and you may find ways to right things without worrying about the rest of the world’s burdens. It was a heavy load on your shoulders anyway.