Daily Forecast Virgo 04-07


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You’re set to receive nothing but good news today. Not only is it finally officially time to play, but you’re also going to be in a fine mood: romantic, passionate, and just a tad eager to take a risk. Does this mean you’ll be ruining your reputation as peacemaker, negotiator, and cooperator extraordinaire? Not at all. Just add world-class lover to that list. Stand back, everyone. Coming through!

Singles Lovescope

Getting out and seeing some art or hearing some music or finding an offbeat production that combines the two not only suits your current astrological state, it also gives you an instant conversation starter!

Couple Lovescope

Your partner made an off-the-cuff comment, so why are you taking it so personally? Try and shake this off. They might have meant something radically different or directed it at someone else.


You love a certain investment with such intensity you’d marry it if you could. It’s fun to feel with such passion — until you start feeling betrayed, that is. Forgive and forget; it’s not your entire fortune, anyway.



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