Virgo Daily Forecast

Someone needs your help, but they’re far too proud and delicate to come out and ask for it directly. You need to be a Good Samaritan and do some behind-the-scenes work. Don’t let them know what you did any time soon. There may be a few people out there who would try to take advantage of the situation. Act discreetly and swiftly and things should go well for both of you.
Be careful — you may be projecting your moods and fears onto other people. So if you’re convinced that an acquaintance is staring at your new haircut or bored by what you’re saying, ask yourself if it’s in your head.
If you’re usually the passive one in your relationship, it’s time to change that. Today, surprise your partner by initiating something in the bedroom. You may find you enjoy your new role!
Loving life is a given, with or without a big bank account. You learn something new every day. You’ve had a chance to find out what you’re made of and you have every reason to be proud. Now back to feathering your nest.