Virgo Daily Forecast

Why are you in such a hurry right now? The goal you’re working toward isn’t going anywhere, and reaching it early isn’t going to earn you any extra brownie points. Have you ever considered the fact that you have more to learn from the process of reaching your goal than from actually reaching it? You’ll have to find another place to channel all of your high energy today. Run around the block. Physical exercise will help you slow your roll.
If the phone call you were expecting doesn’t come, don’t assume the worst. Some weird energy makes for missed connections, but everything will be back to normal in a day or two.
Find a new way to tell your partner they’re the one. Your creative powers are strong now, and you should easily be able to get the message across. Your partner will adore you all the more, if that’s possible.
Riding out the storm is getting old. It makes sense that you want to be in the light of day again, so go ahead and put out some exploratory feelers. Be sure that doesn’t include falling right back into your old, spendthrift ways.