Virgo Daily Forecast

Some important deadlines are looming, but don’t try to meet them early by finishing up everything today. The extra effort you would have to put forth in order to do so simply isn’t worth it. Why should you bust your back when all your energy won’t be rewarded or even noticed? As much as you would like to get ahead, just go on doing whatever you can do now and handle other things as they come.
Where others give up, you get busy. This dedication benefits you in many areas, and it’s especially useful in romance. You recognize a good thing when you see it, and you’re willing to ride out a few bumps in road.
Special pride in a recent accomplishment has you walking on air and floating right over to your sweetheart’s arms. Celebrate together.
If you’re tempted to take a personal day, wait 24 hours. Tomorrow is the best day to earn all that matters more than money. If you want simple cash, get to work.