Virgo Daily Forecast

There is giving of yourself and there’s giving too much of yourself. At work, try to find the line between the two. After all, you don’t feel good if you’re not able to throw yourself into what you do. At the same time, you need to make sure that you have enough energy at the end of the day to take care of your needs too. This could be as basic as making sure you have enough energy to work out and make sure you have a good dinner. If you don’t, something needs to change.
Dating is much like mining for valuable ores. You’ll find lots of fool’s gold before encountering the real thing. As you skip from one prospect to another, practice your socializing skills. Even if you end up empty-handed, you’ll have gained valuable dating experience.
You know what you want, and you want it now! Slow down. This is definitely a case of good things coming to those who wait. Your partner has some big news, but you’ll have to sit tight a little longer.
You and a partner are having some serious second thoughts. You’d be foolish not to. It’s not exactly an impulse buy if you’re already imagining the accruing interest, but it’s certainly based more on whimsy than real need. Take a pass.