Virgo Daily Forecast

Today could start off deceptively calm, but it’s only the calm before the storm! When that storm hits, get the heck out of the way. Keep your head down and avoid getting involved. Your input won’t be received warmly, so why bother offering it? You might think you have the solution to the conflict, but the people who are arguing don’t want solutions. They just want to fight, so let them. Stick your nose into their business and it could get bruised.
Karma is a tricky, yet rewarding concept. Your actions today could directly affect a person later. Keep your temper in check and pay forward positive energy by doing unprovoked nice things for those who come your way.
Your smarts are all you need to impress your partner. Surprise them with a thoughtful gift or just take care of errands they find annoying. You’ll be overwhelmed by their gratitude!
Yesterday’s bottom line was out of your hands but today’s is up to you. Don’t be impatient about it, though. Spend some time on the mechanics of your financial situation and don’t move forward until you have everything running like a Swiss watch.