Daily Forecast Virgo 08-29


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

The heady thrill of excessive behavior could tempt you today, but it’s time to take a more conservative viewpoint on things. Watch your money, don’t shop, and stick to your diet. Cutting back in the places where you tend to go overboard won’t be as difficult as it may have been in the past, partially because you’ve recently learned some lessons the hard way. Food isn’t going to give you any comfort today, so ignore your sweet tooth.

Singles Lovescope

When searching for your next significant other, think about what you want versus what you need out of a mate. Instead of a lover who’s full of drama, perhaps you need someone more grounded. You’re ready for a mature relationship.

Couple Lovescope

You two have taken a major step forward recently, but a few unforeseen details have you feeling like you could lose some ground. Don’t be thrown for a loop. Stay focused. You’re nearly there!


There is a bit of friction in your day, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. You can parlay it into something profitable with minimal effort on your part. The key is seeing it as an opportunity.



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