Virgo Daily Forecast
Stick to your own agenda first today even if it requires you to cause conflict in a group. Getting along well with others might be an unrealistic goal now. After all, you can’t always sacrifice what is best for your life in order to be everyone’s best friend. Don’t compromise what you believe just to get along with other people. In the end, people will have to respect you for sticking to your principles and not succumbing to the pressure of the majority.
Sometimes you get caught up in the rush of emotion (set off by the wave of someone’s hand or a smile or a sweet message) and everything else floats right out of your head. You’re living in the moment.
Others’ agendas may differ from yours, so be sure you know who you’re dealing with. You and your partner are usually on the same page, but it wouldn’t hurt to be sure.
If only friends in high places could help you. But even they are subject to the same torment you are today, or at least their bank account is. This is one task you have to face on your own, but it won’t be the last. Consider it practice.