Virgo Daily Forecast
Why be shy today when being loud and proud is so much more fun? The people you meet today aren’t interested in good manners. They’re interested in interesting ideas, and you have a lot of them! Don’t sell yourself short or let yourself be overlooked. Stand up and be counted! Your uncharacteristic aggressiveness might surprise a few people who’ve known you for a while, but it will impress others, specifically the people who have influence over your life.
Everything’s happening at once, and you may just want to crawl back in your bed and hide. Despite your desire to hibernate, get up and make something happen. Even a walk around the block can bring new possibilities.
You don’t always measure love by what it gives you. Sometimes you measure it in terms of the necessary sacrifices you have to make. Once you let them go, you realize they weren’t that important to begin with.
The debate of the day is what constitutes ‘expensive,’ especially regarding a meal. Of course, everyone involved has their own opinion on the subject, but they don’t necessarily correspond to the size of their wallets. Take this heady conversation and make good use of what you learn.