Virgo Daily Forecast
Being dutiful, steadfast and reliable comes easily to you, but you’ve been good for far too long. It’s now officially time to let yourself go! Get out there and have some serious fun. Why do it locally? Isn’t it time to take your show on the road? Explore the world!
Sometimes talking just makes romantic situations more confusing. Instead, learn to cultivate stillness in the moment. Pay attention to what comes up, but don’t try to hold onto it. Things should clear up soon.
When you voice a wish, it suddenly becomes the start of a journey. Your partner is delighted to know one of your innermost desires. Help from unusual sources will be forthcoming to get you two moving.
You’ve been hiding a lot lately. Isn’t it time to come back out into the light of day? You’ll find the financial landscape has gotten somewhat brighter since the last time you ventured out.