Gemini Daily Forecast

If your career feels like it isn’t going where you want it to go quickly enough right now, you need to do some extracurricular work. This might require researching upcoming projects on your own time, getting social with important business contacts in the evenings, or looking for outside opportunities over the weekend. It’s up to you how ambitious you want to get, but if you aren’t satisfied, the only person who is going to give you any more satisfaction is you!
Watch out! Mood swings ahead. One minute you’re feeling great, communicating well and all balanced. The next you could feel blue. Plan some mellow activities to distract yourself gently.
Don’t let a minor disagreement turn into a full-on fight. You’ll always have differences of opinion, but you don’t have to let them get the better of you.
Once again, your impulses get the better of you. You should be cautious about how you spend your money but you won’t be. A bargain has you racing to throw your money out the window. Luckily for you, someone will beat you to the finish line. You and your nest egg are safe.