Taurus Daily Forecast

You could meet someone now who really seems to like you. Still, the memory of past relationship failures could haunt you. Everyone has experienced love on many levels, and it’s difficult to judge which level a new friend is on. Take it one day at a time, and learn what you can about this person. Think less about romance and more about enjoying the experience. Don’t even worry about commitment until you’re sure.
A famous author once wrote that you can’t go home again. What he left out was that you always manage to take a piece of home with you, and into every new relationship. It’s time to explore what you’ve been bringing to the table.
Dreams about being single shouldn’t worry you. It’s just your subconscious affirming your individuality. Your career could soon take up more of your time, so let your partner know what to expect.
It pays to keep your finger on the pulse. It’s more of an emotional connection than an intellectual one, but you can’t feel it with either method. Until it’s back, it’s a good time for laying low and keeping your money under wraps.