Gemini Daily Forecast

Make way for a reunion of sorts today. A couple of old relatives are interested in connecting with you again, and you should hear what they have to say. People from your past are a part of who you are now, even if they didn’t figure as prominently as you would have liked. Now is your chance to clarify old misunderstandings, repair broken promises, and (most importantly) forgive and forget. You are ready for a new outlook on this old situation.
Pretty much everybody seems to be on your side for the time being. Enjoy the love of friends, new acquaintances you’ve charmed quickly, and the universe as a whole. You’re just that awesome!
You are much more thoughtful and a little slower than usual, and that makes it a great time for deeper conversations about bigger topics. You might want to make the first move.
There are many ways to deal with bills besides simply paying them. There’s the time honored correspondence, and then there’s telephone chatter. But whatever route you take, give your account the wiggle room it needs.