Cancer Daily Forecast
You’re willing to do whatever it takes to help someone close, and that quality is the stuff that legends are made of (with your people, anyway). You may have found, though, that quality mostly lacking in others. Believe it or not, someone who’s got it going on could be coming your way soon, but you’ve got to take a little risk and let yourself get to know them better.
Comparing yourself to others is really pointless when it comes to matters of the heart. You’re unique, and it’s all about finding what’s right for you. It’s not a competition for attention.
Give your partner’s outrageous idea a chance. If you immediately say it’s impossible, you’re squashing any hope that it might turn into something wonderful. Table it for now and let it simmer.
You’re getting closer and closer to your friends in high places. Are you climbing up the ladder or are they falling down it? Either way, it’s time to look past them if you need financial help.