Libra Daily Forecast
This is a very good day to get what you want, whether it’s the attention of a certain someone you have your eye on or just a better parking space. You’ve got some killer positive energy inside of you right now, and it’s creating a protective bubble of good vibes around you. Nothing anyone can say will get you down, and you’ll have a kind word for everyone you see. This bright attitude will make a real difference in your day. People will even comment on it.
Before you can engage with another person, you need to feel good in your own skin. To that end, this is a great time to focus on your health. Sign up with a personal trainer and make yourself a healthy dinner!
Right now all you can think about is snuggling with your partner. Plan a cozy evening for just the two of you with no distractions. Brew a pot of tea, slip into your pajamas, and chill together on the sofa.
You may stumble across a secret it goes without saying you weren’t meant to hear. Do a friend a favor and don’t act on it. You wouldn’t make money on it anyway, if that helps you do the right thing.