Daily Forecast Taurus 02-26


Taurus Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Someone you’ve been close to for years has just done something wonderful for you, but you may not know about it for quite some time. Since you’re as perceptive as anyone could possibly be, however, you’ll have an inkling, which gives you the perfect opportunity to leave a thoughtful gift on their doorstep or return the favor from behind the scenes.

Singles Lovescope

Do your homework. Ask around about that new hottie. It’s a small world, after all! See what you can find out online, but know when to quit. Research them just enough to be intelligently informed.

Couple Lovescope

Dreaming about what can be between the two of you is fine – even fantastic – but beware of a tendency to get a wee bit carried away at the moment. Developing unrealistic expectations could be a problem.


Your good memory can do more than make you money. You’ll be earning points in the social arena simply by pulling the right anecdotes out of your hat. You make it look effortless.


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