Gemini Daily Forecast

You’re ordinarily sweet as pie: mellow, friendly, and pretty much willing to do whatever it takes to get along with people. When an underdog gets involved, though, you do whatever you can to help out, no matter the cost. When someone in need or in trouble crosses your path today, warn your people to make way. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Up and at ’em! Move your body. Any kind of physical activity centers you and reminds you of how much beauty there is to be had in this world. And who knows? You might run into a cute prospect at the park.
If you must have a relationship talk today, steer clear of big issues and tackle smaller things. The details are just as important, and fine-tuning them now will help put larger things in perspective later.
Someone in your inner circle can be very, very good but also horrid. Unfortunately, you experience their horrid side today, and it costs you a pretty penny. You’ll think twice before volunteering to try out anything new with this particular person. The lesson is priceless.